11 February 2009

Zionists use Human Shields in Gaza...

Not for the first time, the Zionists force Palestinians to act as human shields in their invasion of Gaza. Of course, in the same way that they consider Jews to be the ONLY semitic people, any Arab, not being truly human, obviously could not be considered a 'human shield'

In their official statement when confronted with the evidence from the victims, they pile lie upon lie, purporting to 'minimise civilian casualties'... but again, it all depends on the definition of 'civilian' and the Zionists are masters at redefining words to revise both the dictionary and the map.

A 'Golden Opportunity' wasted in Gaza...

Euphemistically called the 'security vote' but in fact consisting of a platform to pulverise the remaining Palestinian presence that threatens a 'wholly Jewish State', the Zionist entity and its Jewish 'citizens' remain utterly devoted to genocide against the Palestinian people. The majority of the Jewish 'citizens' of the Zionist entity believe that the Zionist military rampages in Gaza 'didn't go far enough'. They believe that 'a golden opportunity' to eradicate any Palestinian resistance against their ultimate obliteration was wasted.

Ibrahim Alloush and the voice of Resistance

My old comrade Ibrahim Alloush exhibits the combination of wit and fire that always characterised his interactions with hypocrites, cowards and collaborators.