A few years ago, I wrote an article entitled 'Ashura, A Call to Action' for the Free Arab Voice, urging the world to oppose the U.S. plans to invade Iraq in the interests of justice. Unfortunately, the world stood aside for the most part as Iraq was invaded, its government, social and economic infrastructure demolished, and a new era of anarchy under a puppet government was brought into being under the auspices of the U.S. and its allies.
Meanwhile, the world has seen another invasion of Lebanon by the Zionists and the heroic stuggle of the Resistance under Hizb'allah. Rather than supporting the Resistance uncompromisingly, there have been the usual petty divisive movements even within the Arab Nation among leaders and other organisations to distance themselves from anything that threatens their precarious standing with the U.S. and its allies.
The lesson of Husayn at Karbala is one that transcends any religion. Husayn is a hero of the Arab Nation. His refusal to compromise with a corrupt government, even in order to save his life and the lives of his family and friends, should be an example for the entire world. Husayn is the ultimate example of the pure martyr. In his death, he bore witness to Honour and Truth. This story does not belong to the Shi'a alone. It belongs to the entire Arab Nation and in fact, to all of humanity.
'Ashura is here again and yet, instead of unity against the U.S. and the puppet government it has installed in Iraq, we see Shi'a and Sunni at one another's throats. We see corruption and unrestrained greed for power and money on both sides. Iran, rather than supporting the Resistance unconditionally, is making a bid for power for itself and its own agents in Iraq. The President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein has been hanged like a common criminal while his enemies rejoice, obviously ignorant of the full significance of this infamous act.
Sect against sect, family against family, and above it all, the pernicious influence of the policy of the U.S. and its allies, which is dedicated to the proposition that a weakened Arab Nation is the best possible result.
There is neither excuse nor justification for this and no one is entirely blameless. Sunni and Shi'a alike co-existed in the Arab Nation as well as in the rest of the world, both members of a single Ummah. Before the Western media began its propaganda campaign to create enmity between Shi'a and Sunni, few non-Muslims even were aware of the distinction between the two. In truth, there is no more distinction than there is between Roman Catholic and Anglican in Christianity. 'La ilaha ilallah wa Muhammadan rasulullah' is the common belief that binds all Muslims in a single Ummah. ('There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet.)
It is not only Shi'a and Sunni who are guilty of allowing these divisions to widen. Now Christians, Muslims and secularists all must unite under the banner of Arab Nationalism to defeat a common enemy.
Saddam Hussein's last words reportedly were 'Palestine is Arab'. He was a secularist and yet he was a Muslim as well. He was President of Iraq and yet the Palestinian people were in his heart always. As long as people pursue their own small selfish interests rather than uniting under the banner of Arab Nationalism, this will lead lead only to the defeat of ALL ultimately.
Shame on the heads of those Shi'a who support the puppet government and corrupt leaders like the criminal Chelabi. Shame on the heads of those Sunni who do not consider Shi'a as their brothers, not only within the Ummah but in the Arab Nation as well. Shame on all those who foment this secularism, whatever their motivations.
Husayn at Karbala stood for justice and the refusal to compromise. Heavily outnumbered, he still choose to fight with honour and to die with honour. A Western writer wrote: 'Husayn marched with his little company not to glory, not to power or wealth, but to a supreme sacrifice and every member of that gallant band, male and female, knew that the foes were implacable, were not only ready to fight but to kill. Denied even water for the children, they remained parched under a burning sun, amid scorching sands yet no one faltered for a moment and bravely faced the greatest odds without flinching.'
With this example before us, how can any one choose personal gain or petty persecution over steadfastness to the noble cause of the Arab Nation? It is not only in Iraq that this poison can be seen at work, but in the Lebanon as well. Sisters and brothers, we must refuse to compromise, whether motivated from fear or by promise of gain. To work for or to support the puppet government that the U.S. has installed in Iraq is to be a traitor. To turn one's back on the Resistance movement in Lebanon would be a betrayal. The strength of the Arab Nation can be found only in Unity. To use the anarchy in Iraq or the political situation in Lebanon at this time in order to build a personal sphere of political, military or social influence is to be a traitor to the people. We must have resistance until death, but there must be Unity in this Resistance or it becomes nothing better than the squabbling of petty chieftains over war trophies that ultimately only will bleed the Nation dry.
There is no distinction between Iraq, Lebanon or Palestine. All are vital parts of a single Arab Nation and to focus on divisions instead of promoting unity is to be blind to the reality of the immense danger that threatens to overwhelm any hope of strength for the future. Strength is found only in a categorical refusal to bow to any foreign pressure whether in the form of intimidation or bribery. It is time for every one to support the cause of liberation. This liberation cannot be achieved at the hands of any foreign intervention or false pretense of 'democracy'. The Arab Nation must be steadfast in Resistance until Victory.
29 January 2007
Ashura and the Arab Nation
Saddam Hussein,
12 January 2007
Resistance through Music
Music can provide a powerful rallying point for Resistance movements. This post reviews ''Ila Mataa?' by Rima Tarazi and Tania Tamari Nasir, a collection of songs dedicated to the Palestinian Resistance against the Zionist Occupation.
In 1986, Rima Tarazi and Tania Tamari Nasir recorded a number of extraordinarily powerful songs about Palestine. The songs were written by Rima Tarazi and sung by Tania primarily to the accompaniment of piano. Although both artists were born and raised in Palestine, the music represents a synthesis of East and West through its use of piano as well as Western operatic influence, yet firmly rooted in the realities of Palestinian culture and tradition.
Rima Tarazi evidently played and loved the piano from early childhood. Her use of the piano as accompanying instrument is a distinguishing feature of her music. The quality of the singer's voice is operatic and her musical background basically is a classical one. The choral accompaniment in some of her songs is characteristic of her compositions as well. Often listeners familiar only with Western classical music who listen to these songs without knowing their provenance mistakenly identify them as arias from Western classical opera. That does not make this music less genuinely Palestinian, but adds another element to its power, as the songs resonate with every one who appreciates classical music while maintaining their unique Palestinian roots and voice. The opera 'Ahmad al Arabi' by Marcel Khalife has the same effect. Music that transcends cultural boundaries yet remains true to its own cultural heritage possesses a potency that gives it a timeless universal quality.
I bought the cassette of 'Songs of Palestine' shortly after it was produced in the 1980s. Listening to it again and again through the years, it never has failed to move me.
In 1992, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra listened to the same cassette and wrote from Baghdad: 'I have to tell you that as I listened to the songs, I could not hold back my tears and my tears only flow whenever I come face to face with wondrous beauty! ... May this creativity be a constant source of inspiration to all of us as we reunite with our people in our Palestinian towns and villages so that this creative grief may be transformed into the creative joy we are forever awaiting...'
Now, two decades later, a CD has been produced that combines the songs on that cassette with new songs. Under the title of ''Ila Mataa?' ('Until When?') this incredible music is made available to a new generation.
One of the earliest songs, 'Song of the Bird' was written for the Society of Al Inash al Usra and dedicated and performed during the International Year of the Child in 1979.
The songs for the most part eulogise actual martyrs of Palestine. From a song for Hania, a 14 year old girl shot by the Zionists to songs dedicated to famous artists, writers and political leaders assassinated through the years, the songs remind us of the sea of blood on which the Zionist entity floats. They speak eloquently of Palestinian courage, determination and hope as well, inspiring our hearts to soar with pride and hope while allowing us to weep.
From Hania:
'I'm only a child, dear mother,
Why would they shoot me, dear mother?...
Hania, Hania, Hania,
Your injuries sing praises to the free,
They are the hymns of victory...
Our little ones, our dear ones, beloved ones,
Your blood shall always light our troubled earth,
It shall bring forth our renewed birth.'
The invasion of 1967 was followed by the Zionist invasion of Lebanon... The First Intifada was followed by the Second. We have witnessed another invasion of Lebanon by the Zionists and Palestine remains under Occupation even now.
Knowing this, a song dedicated to Al Quds must find an echo in the soul of every Palestinian:
Because I was born Palestinian,
Because my roots are deeply imprinted in history,
Because I was born Arab and in Jerusalem have lived since the dawn of time,
I die every day.
Al Quds has always been ours.
In our hearts it lives and will never die.
Every alley and every home bears my name,
My dreams and memories ae engraved in its walls,
Reminding us all Al Quds is Arab, it shall never die.
Because I dream of light and right,
Because I refuse to be a false witness and suppress the truth,
Because I am steadfast, as solid as a rock,
I die every day...
Al Quds is Arab,
Al Quds will never die.'
Nor will the spirit and actions of Resistance die.
Songs like these may carry with them the sorrow of loss but at the same time they bear the scent of the oranges and thyme of Palestine and the hope of a future that will not be denied. Steadfastness and memory are the twin pillars that support the strength of the Palestinian people. The identity of Palestine cannot be destroyed by bullet or bulldozer, by force or intimidation, by foreign declarations or by false propaganda. Palestine endures.
I urge every one to experience the magnificent talents of Rima Tarazi and Tania Tamari Nasir for themselves. The CD is available from the Palestine Online Store. No doubt other sources exist as well, but a link to the Palestine Online Store can be found in the Links section of this page.
N.B. If any one wishes to send me links to other sites that advance the cause of Palestine by offering items from Palestine, please feel free to do so.
In 1986, Rima Tarazi and Tania Tamari Nasir recorded a number of extraordinarily powerful songs about Palestine. The songs were written by Rima Tarazi and sung by Tania primarily to the accompaniment of piano. Although both artists were born and raised in Palestine, the music represents a synthesis of East and West through its use of piano as well as Western operatic influence, yet firmly rooted in the realities of Palestinian culture and tradition.
Rima Tarazi evidently played and loved the piano from early childhood. Her use of the piano as accompanying instrument is a distinguishing feature of her music. The quality of the singer's voice is operatic and her musical background basically is a classical one. The choral accompaniment in some of her songs is characteristic of her compositions as well. Often listeners familiar only with Western classical music who listen to these songs without knowing their provenance mistakenly identify them as arias from Western classical opera. That does not make this music less genuinely Palestinian, but adds another element to its power, as the songs resonate with every one who appreciates classical music while maintaining their unique Palestinian roots and voice. The opera 'Ahmad al Arabi' by Marcel Khalife has the same effect. Music that transcends cultural boundaries yet remains true to its own cultural heritage possesses a potency that gives it a timeless universal quality.
I bought the cassette of 'Songs of Palestine' shortly after it was produced in the 1980s. Listening to it again and again through the years, it never has failed to move me.
In 1992, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra listened to the same cassette and wrote from Baghdad: 'I have to tell you that as I listened to the songs, I could not hold back my tears and my tears only flow whenever I come face to face with wondrous beauty! ... May this creativity be a constant source of inspiration to all of us as we reunite with our people in our Palestinian towns and villages so that this creative grief may be transformed into the creative joy we are forever awaiting...'
Now, two decades later, a CD has been produced that combines the songs on that cassette with new songs. Under the title of ''Ila Mataa?' ('Until When?') this incredible music is made available to a new generation.
One of the earliest songs, 'Song of the Bird' was written for the Society of Al Inash al Usra and dedicated and performed during the International Year of the Child in 1979.
The songs for the most part eulogise actual martyrs of Palestine. From a song for Hania, a 14 year old girl shot by the Zionists to songs dedicated to famous artists, writers and political leaders assassinated through the years, the songs remind us of the sea of blood on which the Zionist entity floats. They speak eloquently of Palestinian courage, determination and hope as well, inspiring our hearts to soar with pride and hope while allowing us to weep.
From Hania:
'I'm only a child, dear mother,
Why would they shoot me, dear mother?...
Hania, Hania, Hania,
Your injuries sing praises to the free,
They are the hymns of victory...
Our little ones, our dear ones, beloved ones,
Your blood shall always light our troubled earth,
It shall bring forth our renewed birth.'
The invasion of 1967 was followed by the Zionist invasion of Lebanon... The First Intifada was followed by the Second. We have witnessed another invasion of Lebanon by the Zionists and Palestine remains under Occupation even now.
Knowing this, a song dedicated to Al Quds must find an echo in the soul of every Palestinian:
Because I was born Palestinian,
Because my roots are deeply imprinted in history,
Because I was born Arab and in Jerusalem have lived since the dawn of time,
I die every day.
Al Quds has always been ours.
In our hearts it lives and will never die.
Every alley and every home bears my name,
My dreams and memories ae engraved in its walls,
Reminding us all Al Quds is Arab, it shall never die.
Because I dream of light and right,
Because I refuse to be a false witness and suppress the truth,
Because I am steadfast, as solid as a rock,
I die every day...
Al Quds is Arab,
Al Quds will never die.'
Nor will the spirit and actions of Resistance die.
Songs like these may carry with them the sorrow of loss but at the same time they bear the scent of the oranges and thyme of Palestine and the hope of a future that will not be denied. Steadfastness and memory are the twin pillars that support the strength of the Palestinian people. The identity of Palestine cannot be destroyed by bullet or bulldozer, by force or intimidation, by foreign declarations or by false propaganda. Palestine endures.
I urge every one to experience the magnificent talents of Rima Tarazi and Tania Tamari Nasir for themselves. The CD is available from the Palestine Online Store. No doubt other sources exist as well, but a link to the Palestine Online Store can be found in the Links section of this page.
N.B. If any one wishes to send me links to other sites that advance the cause of Palestine by offering items from Palestine, please feel free to do so.
09 January 2007
Traditional arts and identity of Palestine
I intended to write about a current political situation today but decided to work on another aspect of Palestinian heritage that is dear to my heart. I was going to combine all aspects of Palestinian culture and affairs on a single site, but now have decided to create a separate page for folktales and traditional Palestinian arts. The new page, 'Symbols of Palestine' can be found in a link at the right of this page.
Palestinian Culture,
Traditional arts
08 January 2007
Facts about Palestine
It is easy to be swept by emotion when dealing with the Zionist Occupation of the Palestinian homeland, and indeed some of the most powerful denunciations of this genocidal regime have been created in the form of poems or songs. On the other hand, it is only through hard facts that the intense Zionist media propaganda can be countered, especially when one wishes to educate those who primarily focus on their own private lives, blissfully unaware of Zionist machinations and how they affect every one, whether directly or obliquely.
In recommending a factual source of information, there is nothing really to equal the incredible work of Issa Nakhleh's 'Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem'. As a member of the Bar, educated at London University to become an honourable member of Lincoln's Temple, Issa Nakhleh, although a passionate Palestinian patriot, approached the 'problem' of justice for Palestine in a strictly legal fashion. His work comprises 41 chapters with over a thousand pages of text, accompanied by extensive footnotes and photographic evidence. In his work, Issa Nakhleh provides a narrative of the history of Palestine from ancient to contemporary times. Beyond that, he manages to address every argument propounded by the Zionists and their supporters and to defeat every false theory, cutting at the very root of Zionism to utterly destroy any vestige of legitimacy either of the philosophy of Zionism or of its realisation in Palestine.
It has been difficult to find a copy of this book in recent years, but I was delighted to find that it has been published online. A link to the entire work is given in the link section dealing with the History of Palestine.
For those who wish to purchase books on the history of Palestine as well as current aspects of the situation, the Institute of Palestine Studies continues to offer academic works both in English and Arabic. Among them are the books by Walid Khalidi that have influenced more than one generation in making certain that neither Palestine nor the crimes of the Zionists ever would be forgotten. 'All that Remains' was one of the first efforts to create a precise catalogue that would make the world see how the Zionists had 'made the desert bloom' by soaking the land in Palestinian blood, destroying Palestinian villages and massacring or driving the inhabitants into exile.
This work inspired others and many projects now exist that are dedicated to the preservation of the memory of every Palestinian family and village. In terms of photography and photo-journalism, there are other excellent and inspiring works such as Edward Said's 'After the Last Sky' and the works of Azar on the Zionist invasion of Lebanon and the Intifada. Despite Edward Said's undoubted brilliance, I personally always have had a problem with 'After the Last Sky', finding its attitude nostalgic and defeatist rather than offering an aggressive promise of hope to the Palestinian people.
There are Jewish writers like Pappe, Benny Morris and Noam Chomsky who have made some contributions to history, and demonstrated some courage in discrediting Zionism. Unfortunately, when 'push comes to shove', most of them retreat into the fortress of racism that distinguishes the entire premise of a 'chosen people'. Even Noam Chomsky ultimately supports the racist Zionist state in limited form, choosing fantasy over reality rather than confronting the fundamental basis of Zionism as intrinsically racist and genocidal. These writers represent a group who are willing at least to debunk some of the Zionist propaganda but who will not support an unequivocal end to the Zionist entity. In failing to do so, they show themselves to be less than entirely trustworthy. Ilan Pappe, for example, attempts to argue that Zionist 'ethnic cleansing' of the Palestinian people, however criminal, is quite different in nature from genocide and he persists in supporting the special sanctity of the Jewish Hollowcause.
In fact, many of these writers will try to argue that their willingness to uncover the Zionist machinations that led to the Nakba as well as the continuing Occupation of the Palestinian homeland only proves that Jews somehow are the guardians of some higher standard of ethics and morality. Their work is rather like plea-bargaining in court: they will admit to some crimes in order to be exonerated of others. By admitting the facts of the Nakba, they appear to believe that the Palestinian people should be bound to compromise with respect to the continuing existence of the racist Zionist entity. In fact, the entire concept of the two-state solution, with its acceptance of a racist Zionist regime in part of the Palestinian homeland, fails to recognise the total lack of justification for the very existence of a political entity of this nature anywhere in this world.
In terms of the history of Palestine, however, original Jewish sources in the form of documents such as Moshe Sharett's diary are extremely important, as they provide unassailable evidence as to the truth of Zionism and its historical programme of destruction with respect to the Arab Nation as well as its aims with respect to the international community and nations throughout the world. If one examines the facts and the facts alone, one will be incapable of arguing in favour of the continuing existence of this 'rogue state' that threatens not only the Arab Nation but the entire world.
In recommending a factual source of information, there is nothing really to equal the incredible work of Issa Nakhleh's 'Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem'. As a member of the Bar, educated at London University to become an honourable member of Lincoln's Temple, Issa Nakhleh, although a passionate Palestinian patriot, approached the 'problem' of justice for Palestine in a strictly legal fashion. His work comprises 41 chapters with over a thousand pages of text, accompanied by extensive footnotes and photographic evidence. In his work, Issa Nakhleh provides a narrative of the history of Palestine from ancient to contemporary times. Beyond that, he manages to address every argument propounded by the Zionists and their supporters and to defeat every false theory, cutting at the very root of Zionism to utterly destroy any vestige of legitimacy either of the philosophy of Zionism or of its realisation in Palestine.
It has been difficult to find a copy of this book in recent years, but I was delighted to find that it has been published online. A link to the entire work is given in the link section dealing with the History of Palestine.
For those who wish to purchase books on the history of Palestine as well as current aspects of the situation, the Institute of Palestine Studies continues to offer academic works both in English and Arabic. Among them are the books by Walid Khalidi that have influenced more than one generation in making certain that neither Palestine nor the crimes of the Zionists ever would be forgotten. 'All that Remains' was one of the first efforts to create a precise catalogue that would make the world see how the Zionists had 'made the desert bloom' by soaking the land in Palestinian blood, destroying Palestinian villages and massacring or driving the inhabitants into exile.
This work inspired others and many projects now exist that are dedicated to the preservation of the memory of every Palestinian family and village. In terms of photography and photo-journalism, there are other excellent and inspiring works such as Edward Said's 'After the Last Sky' and the works of Azar on the Zionist invasion of Lebanon and the Intifada. Despite Edward Said's undoubted brilliance, I personally always have had a problem with 'After the Last Sky', finding its attitude nostalgic and defeatist rather than offering an aggressive promise of hope to the Palestinian people.
There are Jewish writers like Pappe, Benny Morris and Noam Chomsky who have made some contributions to history, and demonstrated some courage in discrediting Zionism. Unfortunately, when 'push comes to shove', most of them retreat into the fortress of racism that distinguishes the entire premise of a 'chosen people'. Even Noam Chomsky ultimately supports the racist Zionist state in limited form, choosing fantasy over reality rather than confronting the fundamental basis of Zionism as intrinsically racist and genocidal. These writers represent a group who are willing at least to debunk some of the Zionist propaganda but who will not support an unequivocal end to the Zionist entity. In failing to do so, they show themselves to be less than entirely trustworthy. Ilan Pappe, for example, attempts to argue that Zionist 'ethnic cleansing' of the Palestinian people, however criminal, is quite different in nature from genocide and he persists in supporting the special sanctity of the Jewish Hollowcause.
In fact, many of these writers will try to argue that their willingness to uncover the Zionist machinations that led to the Nakba as well as the continuing Occupation of the Palestinian homeland only proves that Jews somehow are the guardians of some higher standard of ethics and morality. Their work is rather like plea-bargaining in court: they will admit to some crimes in order to be exonerated of others. By admitting the facts of the Nakba, they appear to believe that the Palestinian people should be bound to compromise with respect to the continuing existence of the racist Zionist entity. In fact, the entire concept of the two-state solution, with its acceptance of a racist Zionist regime in part of the Palestinian homeland, fails to recognise the total lack of justification for the very existence of a political entity of this nature anywhere in this world.
In terms of the history of Palestine, however, original Jewish sources in the form of documents such as Moshe Sharett's diary are extremely important, as they provide unassailable evidence as to the truth of Zionism and its historical programme of destruction with respect to the Arab Nation as well as its aims with respect to the international community and nations throughout the world. If one examines the facts and the facts alone, one will be incapable of arguing in favour of the continuing existence of this 'rogue state' that threatens not only the Arab Nation but the entire world.
06 January 2007
The Purpose of an Online Journal
As this online journal known as a 'blog' joins others on the internet, I wonder why it is that we feel compelled to raise our voices or type out our words, joining a seemingly endless stream or procession of others who walk the same path. 'I Blog for Palestine' in itself deserves some explanation...
Many write in order to express the reality of a homeland denied, a culture that has survived the onslaught of over a century of Zionist propaganda designed to promote the lie of 'A Land without People for a People without a Homeland'. The Zionist propaganda that depicted Palestine as an unoccupied 'desert' which they would cause to 'bloom' while its proponents worked tirelessly to destroy Palestinian villages and create a permanent foreign occupation of the Palestinian homeland.
Every Palestinian bears witness to the reality that Palestine is Arab and that truth cannot be bulldozed out of existence no matter how many villages are razed, or how many Palestinian children are murdered by Zionist bullets.
Nostalgia may motivate some writers but beyond that, there is the duty to preserve Palestinian history, art and culture for posterity. One day, the Zionist entity will crumble into dust and Palestine will reclaim its land and its heritage. The idea that a fragment of the West Bank or a piece of Gaza can serve as the Palestinian homeland is absurd. The idea that a foreign Jewish invasion could dispossess the Palestinian people from their homes on a permanent basis is one that must be proven false, and is being proven false on a daily basis by every refugee who carries the memory as well as evidence of his/her right to return wherever he/she may be in this world. The time when the Zionists may have hoped to wipe out an entire people has passed. The entire world now bears witness to each Zionist murder and each new crime committed by this foreign Occupation.
This is the other motivation that drives writers: the duty to bear witness. The word for martyr in Arabic comes from the verb 'to bear witness'. The death of every martyr bears witness not only to the cause for which he or she died/was murdered but bears witness to the crime that set the martyrdom into motion. For the human bomb, that crime is the foreign Occupation of the Arab homeland. For the martyr slain by a Zionist bullet, his/her death bears witness to the inherently murderous nature of that Occupation.
Many write about Palestine in order to bring the plight of the Palestinian people to the attention of the world. One therefore must attempt to conquer prejudice and ignorance as well as delineating facts. Do we write only to proclaim known truths to those who share our knowledge or do we write to bring the truth to those whose eyes are blinded to it by Western/Zionist media propaganda? Often the sheer weight of the ignorance and prejudice proclaiming all Arabs or all Muslims to be 'terrorists' and all Jews to be 'innocent victims' threatens to overwhelm many of us. How long can human beings remain ignorant to the facts? How many murders and demolitions must the Palestinian people endure before the world finally demonstrates any willingness to put Zionism on trial?
In every false protestation by the Zionists as to their desire for 'peace', there is a renewed Zionist campaign to appropriate more Palestinian land, as well as an effort to further reduce the Palestinian population either with bullets or exile in the cause of creating a wholly Jewish presence in Palestine. When will the world assume responsibility for its criminal negligence and even recklessness in allowing the Zionist entity to maintain its stranglehold over Palestine? At the heart of any call for 'Peace' must be a call for Justice. Until the Zionist entity is totally dismantled, there can be no true justice not only for Palestine but for humanity itself.
Meanwhile, make no mistake about it: silence cannot be imposed by any means whatsoever on the cause of justice for Palestine and the Arab Nation. If one voice is silenced, another will take its place. The blood of every martyr creates its own resounding message and its own presence in history. The death of every hero and martyr is an example to future generations as well as a rallying point here and now for those who will not accept the vision that the Zionists and their morally bankrupt allies seek to impose upon the world.
The path of Resistance only becomes wider and deeper as time goes on. It is through Resistance rather than compromise that this war will be won. Compromise only allows lies and half-lies to prevail and in the end, those lies will not serve the cause of justice. Resistance until Victory!
Many write in order to express the reality of a homeland denied, a culture that has survived the onslaught of over a century of Zionist propaganda designed to promote the lie of 'A Land without People for a People without a Homeland'. The Zionist propaganda that depicted Palestine as an unoccupied 'desert' which they would cause to 'bloom' while its proponents worked tirelessly to destroy Palestinian villages and create a permanent foreign occupation of the Palestinian homeland.
Every Palestinian bears witness to the reality that Palestine is Arab and that truth cannot be bulldozed out of existence no matter how many villages are razed, or how many Palestinian children are murdered by Zionist bullets.
Nostalgia may motivate some writers but beyond that, there is the duty to preserve Palestinian history, art and culture for posterity. One day, the Zionist entity will crumble into dust and Palestine will reclaim its land and its heritage. The idea that a fragment of the West Bank or a piece of Gaza can serve as the Palestinian homeland is absurd. The idea that a foreign Jewish invasion could dispossess the Palestinian people from their homes on a permanent basis is one that must be proven false, and is being proven false on a daily basis by every refugee who carries the memory as well as evidence of his/her right to return wherever he/she may be in this world. The time when the Zionists may have hoped to wipe out an entire people has passed. The entire world now bears witness to each Zionist murder and each new crime committed by this foreign Occupation.
This is the other motivation that drives writers: the duty to bear witness. The word for martyr in Arabic comes from the verb 'to bear witness'. The death of every martyr bears witness not only to the cause for which he or she died/was murdered but bears witness to the crime that set the martyrdom into motion. For the human bomb, that crime is the foreign Occupation of the Arab homeland. For the martyr slain by a Zionist bullet, his/her death bears witness to the inherently murderous nature of that Occupation.
Many write about Palestine in order to bring the plight of the Palestinian people to the attention of the world. One therefore must attempt to conquer prejudice and ignorance as well as delineating facts. Do we write only to proclaim known truths to those who share our knowledge or do we write to bring the truth to those whose eyes are blinded to it by Western/Zionist media propaganda? Often the sheer weight of the ignorance and prejudice proclaiming all Arabs or all Muslims to be 'terrorists' and all Jews to be 'innocent victims' threatens to overwhelm many of us. How long can human beings remain ignorant to the facts? How many murders and demolitions must the Palestinian people endure before the world finally demonstrates any willingness to put Zionism on trial?
In every false protestation by the Zionists as to their desire for 'peace', there is a renewed Zionist campaign to appropriate more Palestinian land, as well as an effort to further reduce the Palestinian population either with bullets or exile in the cause of creating a wholly Jewish presence in Palestine. When will the world assume responsibility for its criminal negligence and even recklessness in allowing the Zionist entity to maintain its stranglehold over Palestine? At the heart of any call for 'Peace' must be a call for Justice. Until the Zionist entity is totally dismantled, there can be no true justice not only for Palestine but for humanity itself.
Meanwhile, make no mistake about it: silence cannot be imposed by any means whatsoever on the cause of justice for Palestine and the Arab Nation. If one voice is silenced, another will take its place. The blood of every martyr creates its own resounding message and its own presence in history. The death of every hero and martyr is an example to future generations as well as a rallying point here and now for those who will not accept the vision that the Zionists and their morally bankrupt allies seek to impose upon the world.
The path of Resistance only becomes wider and deeper as time goes on. It is through Resistance rather than compromise that this war will be won. Compromise only allows lies and half-lies to prevail and in the end, those lies will not serve the cause of justice. Resistance until Victory!
05 January 2007
A New Year's Resolution
My idea of a positive and useful Resolution for the New Year would be: Do not compromise where Justice and Truth are concerned. There is no need to make excuses for the Zionist entity nor to acquiesce to Jewish propaganda about the events of the Second World War nor about any events in history, whether in the past, present or future.
The future of Palestine is not an international popularity contest and any one who benefits from the Zionist propaganda machine will not be swayed by any sort of compromise in any case. To be silenced in the name of compromise or in an attempt to appear 'reasonable' is to take one more step along the road to ruin where the rights of the Arab Nation are concerned. Too many political activists fail to speak out on topics when their popularity or acceptance by certain 'liberal humanitarian' elements are concerned. If the truth is unpalatable, there is all the more reason to present it to the world. Are we supposed to swallow poison instead of exposing it for what it is? The Zionist entity is a cancer. There is no good reason for any one to accept it or to conceal its true nature.
There is no justification for Zionism ANYWHERE on this planet. It is a racist philosophy that denies humanity to the Jewish people by pretending that they are somehow special and somehow exempt from ordinary human laws. Let every Jew simply join the human race and work with the rest of humanity for justice throughout the world. The illegal and foreign Occupation of Palestine cannot be condoned or accepted under ANY circumstances. Until the Zionist entity ceases to be a reality, justice cannot prevail nor can true peace be won. Peace with justice is the only peace worth having and it is the only this kind of peace that can be considered a virtue. The 'peace' of a prisoner in chains is not true peace. Refuse 'pacification' of the Arab Nation through Occupation!
The future of Palestine is not an international popularity contest and any one who benefits from the Zionist propaganda machine will not be swayed by any sort of compromise in any case. To be silenced in the name of compromise or in an attempt to appear 'reasonable' is to take one more step along the road to ruin where the rights of the Arab Nation are concerned. Too many political activists fail to speak out on topics when their popularity or acceptance by certain 'liberal humanitarian' elements are concerned. If the truth is unpalatable, there is all the more reason to present it to the world. Are we supposed to swallow poison instead of exposing it for what it is? The Zionist entity is a cancer. There is no good reason for any one to accept it or to conceal its true nature.
There is no justification for Zionism ANYWHERE on this planet. It is a racist philosophy that denies humanity to the Jewish people by pretending that they are somehow special and somehow exempt from ordinary human laws. Let every Jew simply join the human race and work with the rest of humanity for justice throughout the world. The illegal and foreign Occupation of Palestine cannot be condoned or accepted under ANY circumstances. Until the Zionist entity ceases to be a reality, justice cannot prevail nor can true peace be won. Peace with justice is the only peace worth having and it is the only this kind of peace that can be considered a virtue. The 'peace' of a prisoner in chains is not true peace. Refuse 'pacification' of the Arab Nation through Occupation!
03 January 2007
The Murder of Saddam Hussein



"Who bravely falls for his fatherland,
Builds himself an eternal monument
In the faithful hearts of his compatriots
And such monument no storm can break down."
- Theodor Körner
At the Free Arab Voice, our editor Ibrahim Alloush received the following statement from the Nationalist German Youth.
In recognition of this criminal murder of a leader of the Arab Nation, both 'right' and 'left' political organisations and movements must be united.
Here is the statement both in English and in German as sent to Ibrahim, complete with photographs:
Statement of the Nationalist German Youth on the decease of the legitimate President of Iraq, his Excellency Saddam Hussein.
On 30th December 2006 at 6:10 am, the legitimate President of Iraq ended his temporal existence and past on into eternity and into the history of his people. After a perverted, almost ridiculous seeming show trial, where the verdict was already concluded before it even began, he was transferred from the custody of the terrorist USA into the hands of the puppet-regime which they installed and stands in their pay, so that they could finally murder him.
The USA-Terrorists and the criminal Zionist entity in Palestine celebrated this act of murder as a "milestone on the path to democracy".
Even more repulsive was the pretended disgust for the death penalty which the US-Lackeys in Europe voiced. These hypocrites had the nerve to claim that the show-trial against President Saddam Hussein was "fair and just", although the defence was constantly trammeled, Saddams lawyers were even murdered and the leading judge had to resign because of his obvious bias.
In view of the unworthy and dishonourable behaviour of the so called "European elites" the nationalist youth of Germany have decided to set an example of true occidental civilisation and pay their last respect to the Iraqi President.
In the evening of the 31st December 2006, a few minutes before New Year's Eve, a commemorative plaque and a flower arrangement enclosed by candles was placed in front of the embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Vienna.
The plaque has the following text beside his picture:
President Saddam Hussein
Born on 28. 4. 1937
Murdered by USA-Terrorists on 30.12.2006
In faithful memory
We express our sincere condolences to his family, especially his daughters, his comrades of the Baath-Party and the mujahideen who are fighting for the freedom of their Iraqi/Arab fatherland. President Saddam Hussein died upright and proud for his faith, for his convictions and his fatherland. We bow our heads in awe for this great man.
Honour his memory.
Original German text:
"Wer mutig für sein Vaterland gefallen,
Der baut sich selbst ein ewig Monument
In treuen Herzen seiner Landesbrüder
Und dies Gebäude stürzt kein Sturmwind nieder."- Theodor Körner
Erklärung der nationalen deutschen Jugend zum Ableben des rechtmäßigen Präsidenten des Irak, seiner Exzellenz Saddam Hussein.
Am 30. Dezember 2006 um 6 Uhr 10 hat der rechtmäßige Präsident des Irak sein irdisches Dasein beendet und ist in die Ewigkeit und die Geschichte seines Volkes eingegangen.
Nach einem perversen, geradezu lächerlich wirkenden Schauprozeß, bei dem das Urteil schon vorher feststand, wurde er aus dem Gewahrsam der USA-Terroristen an die in ihrem Solde und von ihnen installierte Marionettenregierung ausgeliefert, um von dieser schließlich ermordet zu werden.
Die USA-Terroristen und das verbrecherische zionistische Gebilde in Palästina feierten diesen Mord als einen "Meilenstein auf dem Weg zur Demokratie".Fast noch widerlicher wirkte aber die geheuchelte Abscheu vor der Todesstrafe, welche die europäischen US-Lakaien verlauten ließen. Diese Heuchler hatten den Nerv, den Schauprozeß gegen Präsident Saddam Hussein als "rechtsstaatlich" und "fair" zu bezeichnen, obwohl die Verteidigung behindert, ja sogar Saddams Anwälte ermordet wurden und ein vorsitzender Richter wegen Parteilichkeit zurücktreten mußte.Angesichts des unwürdigen und unehrenhaften Verhaltens der sog.
"europäischen Eliten" hat sich die nationale Jugend Deutschlands entschlossen, ein Zeichen abendländischer Gesittung zu setzen und dem irakischen Präsidenten die letzte Ehre zu erweisen.
Am 31.12. 2006, kurz vor der Jahreswende, wurde bei der Botschaft der Republik Irak in Wien eine Gedenktafel zu ehren Saddam Husseins aufgestellt, sowie ein Blumengesteck umsäumt von leuchtenden Kerzen.
Auf dem Schild stand neben seinem Bild zu lesen:
PräsidentSaddam Hussein
Geboren am 28. 4. 1937
Ermordet von USA-Terroristen am 30.12.2006
Im treuem Angedenken
Wir sprechen seiner Familie, besonders seinen Töchtern, seinen Kameraden in der Baath-Partei, den um die Freiheit des Irakisch/Arabischen Vaterlandes kämpfenden Muhadjedeen unsere aufrichtige Anteilnahme aus.Präsident Saddam Hussein ist aufrecht und stolz für seinen Glauben, seine Überzeugung und sein Vaterland in den Tod gegangen. Wir neigen in Ehrfurcht unser Haupt vor diesem großen Mann.
Ehre seinem Angedenken.
(See photographs above.)
I salute these brave youth who have the courage to speak the truth at a time when many so-called Resistance leaders and organisations have remained mute. I call upon every Arab Nationalist, every Muslim, whether Sunni or Shi'a, every Christian, every Secularist and every other individual of honour and integrity to rise in loud denunciation of the criminal act of murder of a hero whose last words were 'Palestine is Arab'.
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