05 January 2007

A New Year's Resolution

My idea of a positive and useful Resolution for the New Year would be: Do not compromise where Justice and Truth are concerned. There is no need to make excuses for the Zionist entity nor to acquiesce to Jewish propaganda about the events of the Second World War nor about any events in history, whether in the past, present or future.

The future of Palestine is not an international popularity contest and any one who benefits from the Zionist propaganda machine will not be swayed by any sort of compromise in any case. To be silenced in the name of compromise or in an attempt to appear 'reasonable' is to take one more step along the road to ruin where the rights of the Arab Nation are concerned. Too many political activists fail to speak out on topics when their popularity or acceptance by certain 'liberal humanitarian' elements are concerned. If the truth is unpalatable, there is all the more reason to present it to the world. Are we supposed to swallow poison instead of exposing it for what it is? The Zionist entity is a cancer. There is no good reason for any one to accept it or to conceal its true nature.

There is no justification for Zionism ANYWHERE on this planet. It is a racist philosophy that denies humanity to the Jewish people by pretending that they are somehow special and somehow exempt from ordinary human laws. Let every Jew simply join the human race and work with the rest of humanity for justice throughout the world. The illegal and foreign Occupation of Palestine cannot be condoned or accepted under ANY circumstances. Until the Zionist entity ceases to be a reality, justice cannot prevail nor can true peace be won. Peace with justice is the only peace worth having and it is the only this kind of peace that can be considered a virtue. The 'peace' of a prisoner in chains is not true peace. Refuse 'pacification' of the Arab Nation through Occupation!


Fleming said...

Well said!

Nabila Harb said...

Thank you. I am not certain there is anything new to add on the subject of Palestine, but I am going to try to add as many links here as I can, not only to demonstrate the political realities of the Zionist Occupation but to examples of the cultural heritage that they either try to deny or steal for their own.