29 January 2007

Ashura and the Arab Nation

A few years ago, I wrote an article entitled 'Ashura, A Call to Action' for the Free Arab Voice, urging the world to oppose the U.S. plans to invade Iraq in the interests of justice. Unfortunately, the world stood aside for the most part as Iraq was invaded, its government, social and economic infrastructure demolished, and a new era of anarchy under a puppet government was brought into being under the auspices of the U.S. and its allies.

Meanwhile, the world has seen another invasion of Lebanon by the Zionists and the heroic stuggle of the Resistance under Hizb'allah. Rather than supporting the Resistance uncompromisingly, there have been the usual petty divisive movements even within the Arab Nation among leaders and other organisations to distance themselves from anything that threatens their precarious standing with the U.S. and its allies.

The lesson of Husayn at Karbala is one that transcends any religion. Husayn is a hero of the Arab Nation. His refusal to compromise with a corrupt government, even in order to save his life and the lives of his family and friends, should be an example for the entire world. Husayn is the ultimate example of the pure martyr. In his death, he bore witness to Honour and Truth. This story does not belong to the Shi'a alone. It belongs to the entire Arab Nation and in fact, to all of humanity.

'Ashura is here again and yet, instead of unity against the U.S. and the puppet government it has installed in Iraq, we see Shi'a and Sunni at one another's throats. We see corruption and unrestrained greed for power and money on both sides. Iran, rather than supporting the Resistance unconditionally, is making a bid for power for itself and its own agents in Iraq. The President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein has been hanged like a common criminal while his enemies rejoice, obviously ignorant of the full significance of this infamous act.

Sect against sect, family against family, and above it all, the pernicious influence of the policy of the U.S. and its allies, which is dedicated to the proposition that a weakened Arab Nation is the best possible result.

There is neither excuse nor justification for this and no one is entirely blameless. Sunni and Shi'a alike co-existed in the Arab Nation as well as in the rest of the world, both members of a single Ummah. Before the Western media began its propaganda campaign to create enmity between Shi'a and Sunni, few non-Muslims even were aware of the distinction between the two. In truth, there is no more distinction than there is between Roman Catholic and Anglican in Christianity. 'La ilaha ilallah wa Muhammadan rasulullah' is the common belief that binds all Muslims in a single Ummah. ('There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet.)

It is not only Shi'a and Sunni who are guilty of allowing these divisions to widen. Now Christians, Muslims and secularists all must unite under the banner of Arab Nationalism to defeat a common enemy.

Saddam Hussein's last words reportedly were 'Palestine is Arab'. He was a secularist and yet he was a Muslim as well. He was President of Iraq and yet the Palestinian people were in his heart always. As long as people pursue their own small selfish interests rather than uniting under the banner of Arab Nationalism, this will lead lead only to the defeat of ALL ultimately.

Shame on the heads of those Shi'a who support the puppet government and corrupt leaders like the criminal Chelabi. Shame on the heads of those Sunni who do not consider Shi'a as their brothers, not only within the Ummah but in the Arab Nation as well. Shame on all those who foment this secularism, whatever their motivations.

Husayn at Karbala stood for justice and the refusal to compromise. Heavily outnumbered, he still choose to fight with honour and to die with honour. A Western writer wrote: 'Husayn marched with his little company not to glory, not to power or wealth, but to a supreme sacrifice and every member of that gallant band, male and female, knew that the foes were implacable, were not only ready to fight but to kill. Denied even water for the children, they remained parched under a burning sun, amid scorching sands yet no one faltered for a moment and bravely faced the greatest odds without flinching.'

With this example before us, how can any one choose personal gain or petty persecution over steadfastness to the noble cause of the Arab Nation? It is not only in Iraq that this poison can be seen at work, but in the Lebanon as well. Sisters and brothers, we must refuse to compromise, whether motivated from fear or by promise of gain. To work for or to support the puppet government that the U.S. has installed in Iraq is to be a traitor. To turn one's back on the Resistance movement in Lebanon would be a betrayal. The strength of the Arab Nation can be found only in Unity. To use the anarchy in Iraq or the political situation in Lebanon at this time in order to build a personal sphere of political, military or social influence is to be a traitor to the people. We must have resistance until death, but there must be Unity in this Resistance or it becomes nothing better than the squabbling of petty chieftains over war trophies that ultimately only will bleed the Nation dry.

There is no distinction between Iraq, Lebanon or Palestine. All are vital parts of a single Arab Nation and to focus on divisions instead of promoting unity is to be blind to the reality of the immense danger that threatens to overwhelm any hope of strength for the future. Strength is found only in a categorical refusal to bow to any foreign pressure whether in the form of intimidation or bribery. It is time for every one to support the cause of liberation. This liberation cannot be achieved at the hands of any foreign intervention or false pretense of 'democracy'. The Arab Nation must be steadfast in Resistance until Victory.


Jacqueline Styles said...

Good for you! It makes me sick how people are defining every criminal act now as Shia or Sunni rather than looking at the person who commits it and figuring out that it's a person and not a religion! Americans do it all the time in the media and they don't even know the difference between Sunni and Shia. We should be Arab nationalists first, all of us.

Anonymous said...

If we keep fighting among ourselves, we'll guarantee victory for our enemies, including the Zionists.

Fleming said...

It is good to see a new post from you. As always, it is eloquent and right on the mark.

Anonymous said...

This article is eloquent, and to the heart. The importance in noting how the Iraqis have always been one people, regardless of religion is appreciated, as many people are unaware of this. Also, the lesson of Husayn at Karbala should bring proud memories to us as a hero in Arab history. This is truly an article well-written and it makes me proud to be an Arab Nationalist.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!