03 February 2007

Factional struggles minimise Zionist crimes

Factional clashes in Palestine, whatever their justification, ultimately serve to minimise the Zionists' role in its continuing Occupation of the homeland. The international media is filled with reports of the clashes between elements of Hamas and Fatah, while the Zionist plan to rob Palestinians of more land in the West Bank in its construction of its infamous Wall is virtually ignored.

Recently, the Zionist government has made a proposal to move its 'separation barrier' deeper into the West Bank, leaving about 20,000 Palestinians on the Zionist side of the Wall and incorporating two more illegal Jewish settlements. Notwithstanding the fact that every inch of Palestine occupied by the Zionist entity is illegally occupied, its 'Wall' makes the lives of ordinary Palestinians impossible. The Wall often serves to separate Palestinians from their land, their jobs and their families and is a more pernicious and permanent obstacle than the ever-present Zionist 'chequepoints' that prevent the ordinary Palestinians from one location to another.

When complete, the massive complex of concrete walls, barbed wire and electronic sensors will be about 680km long. The Wall has been declared illegal under international law, yet the Zionists as usual ignore all considerations apart from their own interests.

The Wall serves as another excuse for demolishing Palestinians homes. In the past year, over 400 Palestinian homes have been demolished because of spurious building permit issues or because they were 'too close to the Wall'.

This continuing erosion of the Palestinian presence in Palestine itself goes on unabated but international media chooses to focus on the internal Palestinian struggles between factions.

The Zionists rejoice to see Palestinians kill Palestinians and are particularly delighted when leaders of either faction are killed. In the circumstances, would it not be far better to concentrate all Palestinian energies on the destruction of the Zionist entity and only after this is achieved, sort out internal political issues?

Of course, that would require that BOTH sides be uncompromising in a determination never to accept the existence of the Zionist entity, nor to be persuaded by foreign bribes or threats of intimidation on the part of the U.S. or any one else.

This internal power struggle is destroying the lives of ordinary Palestinians while allowing the Zionists to freely pursue their goals. While Palestinian confronts Palestinian, the Zionists continue to demolish more homes and appropriate more land and their actions either are ignored or considered less newsworthy than any conflict between elements in Fatah and Hamas. Obviously, media coverage is designed for the most part to advance Zionist goals as well, and any internal Palestinian conflicts will be greatly publicised.

Palestinians, like the Iraqi people, find themselves in an impossible situation. What is the solution? I submit that Unity in Resistance against the foreign Occupiers is the only answer here. Get rid of the foreign Occupation first. Only then will there be ANY viable future for any political group or political agenda for the Arab Nation.

1 comment:

Fleming said...

This is far from the first time the Zionists have created, or simply taken advantage of, situations that distract attention from their nefarious activities. I've noticed how often they make particularly unlawful and vicious moves when something else occupies the headlines.

In this case, as we all know, they and the United States have deliberately tried to stimulate Palestinian discord. The sham of encouraging "democracy" has given way to bribery for the purpose of overthrowing the elected government after the results of democratic voting didn't bring the aggressors the desired results.