07 February 2024

'Marmar Zamani' and the Homeland that lives in memories

These are the lyrics of the patriotic version of 'Marmar Zamani' both in Arabic and in English.
The song was included in a series that captured the history and culture of Palestine through the voices and stories of the 'grandmothers'.  I always want to be able to share the full beauty and poignancy that is at the heart of music, poetry and visual art.

The song originally may have bern an Andalusian folksong, a typical romantic song that was popular throughout the Arab Nation.  Fairouz sang a traditional version of 'Marmar Zamani'.

The new version is powerful and eloquently demonstrates the very real connection the Palestinian people have with every imch of the homeland.
Thanks to my friend from Nazareth who very kindly wrote down the words and translated it into English as well when I sent the video to her.  She is a gem who has been very kind always when I ask for help!

مرمر زماني يا زماني مرمر
ضاعت بلادي والقلوب تتحسر

 شربت كأسا وانتعشت بكأسي
والقلب يخشى عند ذكر القدس
 والمسجد الأقصى منىً للنفس
ومهد عيسى والهلال الأحمر

 أما رام الله فهي تدعو الضيف
 ميل عليها تنتعش بالصيف
 هواها منعش طيب للنفس
 ميتها حلوة مثل ماء الكوثر

نابلس أبية لا تطيق العار
 أو رب ثمة جبال النار
لما يعود لاجئ للدار
 أدي الكنافة والسمن المعطر

 حيفا يا حيفا كيف أنا ألقاك
 قضيت عمري والقلب يهواك
يا ريت يا حيفا نرجع ونلقاك
نقعد ع شطك والسمك يتبعتر

My time has become bitter
My home land was lost and hearts are sad

I drank a glass and refreshed myself with my cup
The heart fears when mentioning Jerusalem
  Al-Aqsa Mosque is a haven for the soul
(In my homeland) The birthplace of Jesus and the Red Crescent

  As for Ramallah, it invites the guest
  It’s refreshing in summer
  Its air is refreshing and good for the soul
  It’s water as sweet as Kawthar’s water 

 Nablus is proud and cannot stand shame
  Oh Lord there are mountains of fire
 When a refugee returns home
 I offer its sweetest kunafa  to people

  Haifa, oh Haifa, how can I visit you?
  I spent my life with my heart yearning for you
 I hope, Haifa, we come back and meet you
 We sit on your shore while the fish are swimming freely

Marmar Zamani

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